Caribbean Led, Caribbean Voices

Photo: Stephen Broadbridge

Caribbean Voices for One Health

Caribbean One Health Alliance

Development Committee

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Carla Phillips Savage - DVM, MPhil, PhD, Pgc, CertAqV (T&T/USA)

    Dr. Carla Savage has been a veterinarian for 20 years in the field of Aquatic Animal Veterinary clinical and laboratory diagnostic practice and research for the past 17 years. She is a Certified Aquatic Veterinarian with the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association and has extensive experience in the diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases affecting marine mammals, sea turtles, ornamental fish, food fish and shellfish in various types of freshwater and marine production systems. She has been a Lecturer in Marine Mammal Medicine and Aquatic Animal Health at the UWI, School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), Trinidad and Tobago, where she introduced Aquatic Medicine to the curriculum and was one of the first in region to formally introduce One Health. She launched and served as Coordinator of the Aquatic Animal Health Unit and Aquatic Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory at the UWI-SVM.

    In 2018, she was awarded as one of 77 women who have made outstanding contributions in their respective disciplines, the community, and the Caribbean region. In 2021, her professional contributions to the field of Aquatic Medicine and Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Conservation in Trinidad and Tobago and the Wider Caribbean were recognised by the Anthony N. Sabga Caribbean Awards for Excellence, where she was named a 2021 Laureate in the field of Science and Technology.

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Adana Mahase-Gibson - BA, DVM, PMP (T&T/CDA)

    Adana is a mission-driven bricoleur and firestarter, with 20 yrs of experience in the region. She has worked on climate change, poverty reduction, food security, & other social-ecological issues with marginalized communities, governments, NGOs & international agencies. She has been a mentor, leader, volunteer and rabble rouser.

    A passionate anti-racism advocate, she works to tackle neocolonialism & sexism in the workplace. Adana has experience in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), Project Management, Adaptive Leadership & Strategic Planning, Systems Thinking & Complexity, Monitoring & Evaluation for social change & transformational learning, with emphasis on decolonizing evaluation design and implementation & Science communication.

    Adana is responsible for managing one of the most successful One Health projects in the Caribbean. She continues to support & mentor Caribbean One Health practitioners.

  • Anti-Racism, Equity & Gender Officer: Dr. Chandra Degia - BS, MS, PhD (JAMAICA)

    Dr. Chandra Degia is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Environmental Management, University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona Campus. She an environmental manager with a background in wildlife biology and the human dimensions of natural resource management.

    She is a skilled risk communicator, Chandra designs and implements environmental education for behaviour change programmes. She is skilled at bridging the gap between local communities and technical experts. Chandra is often called upon for training and strategies related to multidisciplinary approaches, stakeholder engagement, conflict resolution, behaviour change and science communication.

    Under the One Health Caribbean project, Chandra worked closely with popular entertainers to develop key messages that would engage Caribbean stakeholders. As a One Health leader, she has been working with communities to address climate change issues at the grassroots level.

    With thirty years of experience, Chandra is recognised as an innovator, strategist, bridging agent, systemic thinker and implementer.

  • Outreach & Comm Officer: Dr. Paul Crooks - DVM (T&T)

    Dr Crooks, a former Director of the Human Capital Development Facilitation Company Limited, is a Veterinary Officer with the Tobago House of Assembly, Division of Food Production, Forestry and Fisheries (THA DFPFF). He volunteered for his time and expertise for civil society organisations including the Trinidad and Tobago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TTSPCA) Tobago where he served as the Board Chair. Under his Chairmanship, the TTSPCA Tobago evolved to include an advanced Veterinary Clinic with three full-time veterinarians as of June 1st 2017, a pet supply store, and the capacity to execute a high-volume spay/neuter program annually.

    Dr. Crooks was the President of the Caribbean Veterinary Medical Association (CbVMA) and is currently the Treasurer. Dr. Crooks founded the Tobago Animal Hospital in 2017 with a goal of providing the highest standards of care for all categories of animals in Tobago. He continues to do regular television appearances and public lectures for farmers, students and colleagues and collaborates with students and veterinary professionals from all over the world. He is President Elect of the Trinidad and Tobago Veterinary Association. His goal remains greater fraternity between the human, environmental and veterinary medical professions through the pursuit of the One Health ideal.

  • Co-Vice Chair: Dr. Maxine Parris-Aaron - BSc, DVM, MSc (GUYANA)

    Dr. Parris Aaron has been leading change and development efforts in the Caribbean for more than 30 years. She is a One Health Leader and a considered the matriarch for many in the Veterinary & Agricultural Caribbean Community.

    Dr. Parris Aaron is an Agricultural Health Specialist at IICA, Guyana. She has been recognised for her sterling community work in Guyana and has been awarded A Medal of Service for her work in Food Safety and the establishment of the Women’s Agro-processors Development Network.

  • Education Officer: Dr. Danielle Julien - DVM, MPH, PhD (GRENADA/CDA)

    Dr. Danielle Julien is a Grenadian, who lived in St. Kitts and Barbados before moving to Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Danielle is passionate about conducting epidemiologic research that considers One Health to control and prevent zoonoses and other infectious diseases, prioritizing sustainable community health and well-being, and using empirical research findings and innovative knowledge translation techniques to effectively communicate and connect with a wide variety of audiences.

    Danielle has worked as a Research Associate in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at the One Health at UCalgary Office and Lead Researcher for the Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System (CAHSS) developing a One Health framework to guide collaborative management of issues at the wildlife/domestic animal interface. 

    Danielle became the first Sessional Instructor for the inaugural undergraduate course Introduction to One Health (ONEH*1000) at the University of Guelph in fall 2020.

    Danielle is currently the African Swine Fever Project Lead with Animal Health Canada. As a proud Caribbean national, she has always been passionate about gender and racial equity in research and collaboratively contributing to the control and prevention of zoonoses in the region. In her spare time, Danielle enjoys dancing ballet, running, and doing yoga with or without her three children, husband, and their beloved dog Douglas.

  • Committee Member: Dr. Kathian Herbert Hackshaw - DVM, MSc (ST. VINCENT & G)

    Dr. Hackshaw is the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), in the Ministry of Agriculture, St. Vincent & the Grenadines (SVG). Dr. Hackshaw is a One Health Leader who champions this approach in SVG. She also Chaired the Caribbean Animal Network (CaribVET) and continues to support culturally appropriate, scientifically sound, One Health related approaches for her island and region.

  • Co-Vice Chair: Dr. Auria King Cenac - MSc, PgDip, DVM (ST. LUCIA)

    Dr. King Cenac leads efforts in One Health in St. Lucia. She is the Director of Agricultural Services and the former Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development.

  • Committee Member: Dr. Joe Myers - DVM (BELIZE)

    Dr. Myers is a One Health Leader in Belize, serving as the focal point for many One Health activities. He is a senior professional at Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA). serving as the Registrar of Veterinary Drugs, Veterinary Pesticides & Animal Feed. He is also the Poultry Health Coordinator & Veterinary Officer for the Northern Region.

  • Secretary: Dr. Malaika Glasgow - DVM, MSc (ST. VINCENT & G)

    Dr. Glasgow is a One Health Leader in St. Vincent & Grenadines. She is a Veterinary Officer with the Ministry of Agriculture.

  • Treasurer: Ms. Dulcie Furlonge - BA, MSc (T&T)

    Ms. Furlonge is a Business Consultant & a One Health Administrator. She has been managing and providing financial guidance to multimillion dollar projects in international development for more than decade in the region. She currently works and resides in Trinidad & Tobago.

  • Committee Member: Ms. Gaitrie Satnarin - MSc, PhD Candidate (SURINAME)

    Ms. Satnarin is One Health Leader and Natural Resource Expert, with a specialization in Climate Change. Suriname. Gaitrie is a Research Coordinator at the Dept of Sustainable Management (SMNR), Faculty of Technology Sciences, Anton de Kom University of Suriname.

Caribbean One Health Leaders

  • Ms. Marcia Cameron, 200 HR RYT, MBA, BS

    One Health Leader & FOUNDER - Humble Beginnings Wellness, GRENADA

  • Dr. Nadia Pacquette-Anselm, MPM, MSc, DVM

    Country Coordinator (Dominica & St. Lucia) Sustainable Agriculture in the Caribbean (SAC) Project, WUSC Caribbean, DOMINICA

  • Dr. Vicki Aimey, DVM, BSc

    Veterinary Officer/One Health Leader, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Security, BARBADOS

  • Ms. Kerry-Ann Hamilton, MSc, BSc

    Lecturer/One Health Leader, Human Services Program, H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, British Virgin Islands/ ST. VINCENT & GRENADINES

  • Dr. Anju Smith, MPH, MD

    Senior Medical Officer/One Health Leader, Community Health, Ministry of Health, Wellness & the Environment, ANTIGUA

  • Ms. Dahlia Plunkett, MPH, BTECH

    One Health Leader, Host: The One Health Lecture Series. Public Health/Environmental Health Specialist, Southern Reg. Health Authority, JAMAICA

Associates & Friends

Supporting & Growing the Caribbean One Health Movement

  • Prof. Alafia Samuels

  • Dr. Roderick King, MD, MPH

    Roderick K. King is the inaugural Senior Vice President, Chief Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer for the University of Maryland Medical System.

    Prior to his current position, Dr. King served as the Senior Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement and Director of the MD/MPH Program at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He was an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences and held joint appointments in the Department of Pediatrics and the University of Miami Business School Department of Health Policy and Management.

    He also served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Florida Institute for Health Innovation (formerly the Florida Public Health Institute) for nine years. He continues to hold an adjunct faculty appointment at Massachusetts General Hospital Disparities Solutions Center at the Mongan Health Policy Institute.

    Dr. King was also the Lead Facilitator for the EU funded One Health Leadership Series, which was part of the One Health One Caribbean One Love Project.

  • Dr. Shayne Ramsubeik DVM, MBA, MPVM

    Dr. Ramsubeik is a Poultry Consultant and Industry Expert with over 12 years of practical experience. He understands the culture, production practices and epidemiology of poultry diseases in the Caribbean region, having spent most of his career working at two of the larger integrated broiler producers in Trinidad and Tobago.

    He is a Veterinarian with a Masters of Preventive Medicine (MPVM) from the University of California, Davis (UCD) and MBA, with a specialization in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

    Dr. Ramsubeik is also eligible to become a diplomat of the American College of Poultry Veterinarians having completed his residency in poultry medicine at the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory, UCD. His career objective is to use his knowledge gained and experiences to aid in the continued development of sustainable and safe poultry production in the Caribbean.